Investor Robert Smith ( Vista Equity Partners ) has created a bold plan to move resources into communities of color. There are viable and credible plans out there and it is worth our time to study and discuss them. A key understanding in this kind of plan is that communities of color need economic power, that power can be accumulated through ownership of assets and enterprises, and that ownership leads to wealth creation. This concept may not refer to wealth in the same way as many of us think of it. We are not talking about yachts and summer homes necessarily. We are talking about stable incomes, savings, buying a home, a college education, and a high standard of living. Robert Smith believes this can be secured for more people if the institutions exist to enable it, and if they are properly funded. His plan expresses a method that involves profitable corporations coordinating their profits to accomplish the concept. The 2% Solution: Inside Billionaire Robert Smith’s Bold Plan To Funn...